Welcome to my general ramblings on tech and stuff & junk; aka the email that became a blog post.
My tech posts are mostly Azure / Microsoft Fabric / Power BI related, and include slides and resources from talks/presentations. If you’re interested in my personal relationship with my queerness, Queer musings is (or one day will be) a collection of thoughts and reflections.

Season 2 Case 10 - It's a sEnd Game
All Good Things…
Experts Live Sydney 2023 - Under the Covers with Fabric & Power BI
Experts Live AU, Sydney Oct 29-10 2023.

Season 2 Case 9 - Network Hunch
There’s no Smoke without Graphs

Season 2 Case 8 - Catchy Run
A quick run down to the local cafe.

Season 2 Case 7: Mission 'Connect'
Highway To The Dangerzone